
Firstly, can I say I want this blog to come across as being inspired by people who are suffering more than me… Last night, when I got in from Gospel I watched a program as part of the ‘Stand up to Cancer’ initiative. It was a program where Cancer patients had recorded their journey online […]


So….this just happened: I feel so much like I am out of control at the moment and I feel like it’s not a choice and that I can’t help it. This was NOT a treat that I am allowed every once in a while – this was a deliberate effort on my part to sabotage […]


I’ve sat with the window of this draft open for about an hour knowing that I want to write but not knowing what to say. I have been quite absent from my blog recently and partly that is due, as it always is, to me questioning why I do this. Why I lay myself bare […]

Let’s talk about addiction…

The Oxford English Dictionary defines addiction as: “The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.” I am addicted to food. I don’t want to be but I am. I know it because I use it instead of ‘feeling’. Somewhere along the line I learnt not to feel. I am not just […]

The turning point…

  I have been pressing the self destruct button (or the ‘f*ck-it button’) for about 2 weeks now but just as it often does, I feel as though I’ve reached the turning point. The game, however, is not without risk. There was once that time that I didn’t come back and the binges continued until […]

Don’t go for second best baby, put your love to the test…

  This week, my theme has sort of been self love and as the title lovingly stolen from Madonna suggests, sometimes you have to test that. It is not always easy. At some moments this week I have managed it and some I have not. One of the tests is that I have changed – […]

It’s time to look after you…

So it’s near the end of January – at the beginning of January I started a package that my personal trainer put together for me which basically consists of following a really hearty meal plan for the month of January and some exercises…. I remember jogging with her at the beginning of Jan and saying […]

Eating’s cheating! … WHAT?

So… I did my second ever Park Run today. I have promised myself that I will run 5K on as many Saturdays as I can and it has been going well. I have to keep in my head that my only competition is me as the people I run with are still so much faster […]

Feeling a little flat…

Hey guys… Today I’m feeling low… I can’t shake this feeling of working so hard to get into shape and feel better – yet I still can’t run as far as I would like and I still can’t do a lot of the things that other people do. I recognise that I have to see […]

I got 99 problems but the binge ain’t one…or so I thought!

Today did not go well… there was no rhyme or reason for that… I have had the best week of my life – so I needed sabotage… Let’s start with Saturday. Saturday: I had worked so hard and it culminated in me being able to complete my first 5K – The Colour Run… and it […]